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Wie Sie in Meetings gute Argumente aufbauen

Halten Sie an Ihren Wertevorstellungen fest, um Ihren Argumenten mehr Durchschlagskraft zu geben in Meetings.

Perhaps you’ve been in a similar meeting. We were discussing plans for the upcoming Email Summit, when someone brought up an idea for an interesting pre-event workshop.

We debated it a little. The pros. The cons.

Personally, I loved the idea.

But how should we decide if this was the right approach to take? Based on our past experience? Based on the highest paid person’s opinion? Based on the stars?

The fault, dear Brutus, lies in our value props (or lack thereof)

And then Justin Bridegan, Senior Marketing Manager, MECLABS, said something that instantly killed the conversation, “Wait a minute…this idea goes against our value proposition.”

As Alex Bogusky has said, “The most effective advertising a company does is the way it conducts business.” If we do something that goes against our value proposition, that flies in the face of the value we provide our customers, and all the marketing and advertising in the world is not going to help us once we’ve burned that bridge.

For this reason, a value proposition serves as an excellent North Star to help guide decisions made in any strategy meeting or on any steering committee, much like an A/B test is a great way to win any marketing debate (“Which headline will perform better? Instead of debating, let’s try both and see what our customers tell us.”)

If we didn’t have that clearly defined value proposition, the decision would not have been as clear cut.