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Die wirklichen 7 Todsünden des Email Marketings

Gefräßig, Gierig, Faulheit, Zornig, Stolz, Neidisch und schließlich Schuldig. Erfahren Sie jetzt hier mehr ...

We can all agree that deadly sins are bad: lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, anger, pride and envy. No one likes them. But what’s more important is that each of them can translate into something you might be doing in your email marketing. Which means people might not like you.

We’ll look at how each of these sins applies to email marketing and provide instructions for finding your way back on the right path.

1. LUSTFUL For More Subscribers
While it’s perfectly natural to have the desire to grow your list, when your desire involves shirking best practices, you could run into trouble down the road with spam complaints.

How to put your lust to good use: Get excited about attracting the right subscribers. Research ways you can optimize your sign up process, utilize social media, split test your web form and put a form on every page of your site...