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Worauf B2B Marketingtreibende bei Social Media achten sollten

Adam T. Sutton räumt mit 7 Mythen auf, die gern herangezogen werden bei B2B Marketing im Social Media Umfeld.
08.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketingsherpa Blog

My reporter antenna was humming during the presentation yesterday from Jay Baer, President, Convince & Convert, at the MarketingSherpa B2B Summit in Boston. I could write a blog post everyday for two weeks based on Baer’s advice — and it encompassed only a single hour of the day packed with insights.

Baer methodically destroyed “the seven myths of B2B social media,” the first two of which directly addressed why B2B companies need to care about social media.

Myth #1: “My customers don’t use social media”

Baer presented data illustrating that it is extremely unlikely that B2B customers are not using social media.

“81% of Americans that have an Internet connection use social media in some way. This is not a niche play,” Baer said, citing Forrester Research. Furthermore, 51% of Americans over age 12 have a Facebook account, according to Edison research. Pew Research also has some compelling data.

The real problem, Baer said, is that companies often project their opinions onto their audiences.

“If you don’t use social media, or your CMO doesn’t use social media, or your CEO doesn’t use social media, then you don’t believe that anyone that buys from you could possibly use social media.”