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Wie wird der Stand der E-Mail 2015 sein?

Hal Licino beschreibt, wie das Thema E-Mail 1965 angefangen hat und wo wir 2015 stehen werden.

In 1965, The White House was occupied by LBJ and Lady Bird, a gallon of gasoline was around a quarter(!) and TV viewers were watching brand new shows such as Bewitched, The Munsters and Jeopardy. Users of SDC's Q32 and MIT's CTSS were also exchanging email.

Wait up… email? In 1965? Say whaaat?
1965 Email = 2015 Email
Way back in the age of NASA Gemini missions and The Beatles’ Help! email was not only being used by a large group of academics but it was essentially the same paradigm as today. The interfaces and extent of connectivity might have changed somewhat and some extra bells and whistles (such as multimedia attachments) added, but the essence of typing a message on a keyboard at Point A and having it available nearly instantaneously to a reader at Point B is the same as the time when a new 1965 Plymouth Barracuda still had that aquarium fastback rear window.