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Testen im Marketing ist wichtig, aber werten Sie die Ergebnisse richtig aus!

Daniel Burstein erklärt, wie SIe Ihre Marketing-Testergebnisse richtig bewerten.

There are so many difficult decisions to make in marketing

- Which headline will perform the best?
- Which value proposition resonates most with my potential customers?
- Which call-to-action will be most effective?

This is why evidence-based marketing resonates so strongly with some marketers. As opposed to taking a random guess to answer one of these questions, why not make the decision based on prevailing evidence?

And yet, this raises another challenge. To make good evidence-based decisions, you need accurate evidence.

To help you make business decisions on a solid footing, in today’s Web clinic at 4 p.m. EDT (educational funding provided by HubSpot) – Bad Data: The 3 validity threats that make your tests look conclusive (when they are deeply flawed) – we’ll show you a few of the ways we ensure our marketing tests, and the data they produce, are valid.

But first, we asked your peers for their top marketing data quality tips. They covered a wide spectrum of marketing data approaches and use cases…