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Spam auf mobilen Geräten

J.D. Falk erklärt, warum das Thema Spam auf mobilen Endgeräten differenzierter betrachtet werden muss.

Return Path’s new study “Email on the Move: The Future of Mobile Messaging” reveals that the massive increase in email readership on mobile devices corresponds with a decrease in use of webmail, particularly on weekends. If your focus is either spam detection or list management, that’s bad news.

Unlike webmail interfaces, very few mobile email clients give users the ability to report spam effectively. There’s no “report spam” button, and no way to forward a message with the full original headers & body required to accurately track down the source.

In legitimate messages, the unsubscribe link is often in tiny text at the bottom of the message; on a mobile device, scrolling all the way down can take a long time. Worse, accessing the web site requires browser handoff functionality that not all devices offer. Even when the site can be accessed, subscription preference centers are rarely optimized for mobile devices.