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Seien Sie sozial und gewinnen dennoch die Informationen, die Sie brauchen

Bryan Brown erklärt, wie Sie im Social Media aktiv sind und gleichzeitig Informationen über Ihre Interessenten sammeln.

Many marketers are excited about all the new communication channels at their disposal and the opportunity to make their website, emails and other marketing efforts more social. To that end, they’re taking advantage of new technology to make it easier for social visitors to a site—those who arrive via a Facebook post, Tweet URL or blog link, for example—to register or download materials using their social login.

But how do you balance the desire to enhance the visitor experience and gain trust with the need to collect valuable data that enables you to send more relevant messages that build engagement, nurture contacts through the buying cycle and drive revenue? The answer lies in combining social sign-in options with progressive profiling— posing new questions each time a contact visits your website or landing page, steadily gaining deeper insight into their interests—and understanding that you can build a profile around each contact that doesn’t have to begin and end with email.