Nutzen SIe Ihr Linkedin Profil, um den Einfluss Ihrer E-Mail-Kampagne zu erhöhen
LinkedIn is on the rise. The platform is growing fast and boosting the company’s status in the social space with each new enhancement that comes along. LinkedIn continues to prove itself as a worthy marketing tool and although it offers a variety of useful features, the profile is easily the most valuable of them all. Here are some ways you can use the powerful LinkedIn profile to benefit your email campaigns:
Make Sure It's Complete
The LinkedIn Profile has undergone a significant transformation in a very short amount of time. It has come a long way, and though some elements have been borrowed from other social networks, all the changes are for the better. The profile lets you share a detailed story of your professional history and in order for others to take notice and want to connect, you need to use it to its fullest potential. It is important to try to make use of all available fields. Not every profile area may apply to your business, but you want to complete it as much as possible. The more complete it is, the more it will stand out to visitors.