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Email Marketing Census 2011: Neue Studie zum UK-Markt von Econsultancy

Das englische Beratungsunternehmen Econsultancy hat 885 Unternehmen und Agenturen zu den aktuellen Trends und Tendenzen im E-Mail-Marketing befragt.

Das englische Beratungsunternehmen Econsultancy hat 885 Unternehmen und Agenturen zu den aktuellen Trends und Tendenzen im E-Mail-Marketing befragt. Budgets und Versandmengen sind deutlich gestiegen. Bei Zustellbarkeit und dem Testing ist noch Nachholbedarf.

Folgende Experten wurden befragt:

* Andrew Lloyd Gordon, Online Marketing Expert, Speaker and Trainer
* Dave Chaffey, CEO of and author of the Econsultancy Best Practice Guide to Email Marketing
* Duncan Olley, Database Marketing Manager, Haymarket Consumer Media
* James Gurd, E-commerce Consultant
* Jim Sterne, Founder, Target Marketing
* Louise Colligan, Head of Digital Marketing Solutions, Reed Business Information
* Mark Brownlow, Publisher of Email Marketing Reports and Editor of ‘No Man is an Iland’ blog
* Mark Kelleher, Head of Technology for Marketing & Audiences, Communications & the Archive at BBC
* Morgan Stewart, Co-Founder and CEO, Trendline Interactive
* Stefan Tornquist, US Research Director, Econsultancy
* Steve Kemish, Director, Cyance & Chair of IDM Digital Marketing Council

Folgende Themen werden in der Studie aufgegriffen:

* Approach to email (i.e. in-house, managed service, hosted etc.)
* Use of services provided by email service providers
* Type of audiences targeted by email marketers (B2B / B2C)
* Extent of email marketing (number of emails sent)
* Email marketing budget
* Effectiveness of email marketing practices
* Use of triggered emails
* Amount and types of testing
* Barriers to effective use of email
* Deliverability
* Integration of email with other sales and marketing activities
* Relationship between email and social media activity
* Email marketing focus
Other key findings from the fourth annual

Folgende Ergebnisse wurden erzielt:

* Just over half of companies (51%) are now using an application service provider or a hosted service.
* Significantly more companies are now using automated campaigns compared to last year.
* The proportion of companies sending more than 50,000 emails each month has gradually increased in the last four years.
* The vast majority of responding companies (72%) rate email as 'excellent' or 'good' for return on investment.
* Email and social media activity are managed as two separate channels by almost half of companies (45%).

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