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There are just way too many trends to keep up with as far as marketing in the digital age goes. For years we were teased with the promises mobile communications had to offer. When Facebook dethroned MySpace and ascended into the mainstream, social media became the object of brands, the undeniable Holy Grail we just couldn’t ignore. There have been more than enough supposedly great marketing tactics to come our way, but as we have learned on numerous occasions, not everything the hype machine produces lives up to the acclaim.
Just think about all the trends that were launched to plenty of fanfare, but only fizzled out in the end. Where do we even begin? For the purpose of time constraints, we really don’t have to look any further than Google. Though the well balanced internet giant can be viewed as a huge success, Google Buzz, Google Wave and Google Video are just some of its products that appeared to have great marketing potential initially but ended up being duds.