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5 Dinge, die Sie beim Betrachten Ihrer Öffnungsrate bedenken sollten

Yo Noguchi hat 5 Punkte zusammengestellt, wie Sie die Öffnungsrate Ihrer E-Mail-Kampagne bewerten können.

Open rates reveal how well your emails are received and give an idea as to which periods in time evoke the most interest from your subscribers. When analyzing your open rates, it is important to remember that improving the rating does not necessarily mean getting the stats up. Improving open rates is really more about bettering your email marketing.

Here are 5 things to consider when viewing your open rates.

1. One Size Fits All?
There is no one size fits all open rate. Similar to how a local market can’t contend with the chain grocery store downtown in sheer sales numbers, open rates will drastically vary from business to business depending on various factors.

Rather than comparing your open rates with those of another business, rationalize the figures by considering the ratings in relation to the total number of emails that were sent out. Take it a step further by measuring how well received your emails are at various times of the day to give yourself an idea of the days and times your blasts are most successful.