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10 einfache Tipps für ein erfolgreiches Email Marketing

Die richtige Zielgruppe, ihre Interessen, einfache und verständliche Kommunikation und … Neugierig? Lesen Sie hier weiter …

When you want to get the attention of your ideal client, email marketing trumps everything else, including social media.

Think about it.

- Email is ubiquitous…everyone has at least one email account.
- Despite how much people say they hate email, it's a good bet they check their email at least once a day, if not a lot more.
- There is no competition for your reader's attention when they're reading email: there are no distracting status updates constantly being refreshed in the newsfeed, there are no tweets flashing by.

As a marketing tool, email outperforms all social media when it comes to selling your products and services. [This has been my experience marketing on the web since 1996. But, don't just take my word for it, do a search on "email vs. social media" and you'll get dozens, if not hundreds of articles and statistics touting the dominance of email over social media for sales and marketing.]