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Mobile Email Leser sind mehr engagiert. Nutzen Sie die Vorteile?

Email und Mobile funktionieren als Team sehr gut zusammen. Nun liegt es an Ihnen, ob Sie die Vorteile nutzen wollen! Anbei 7 Tipps ...

7 Tips for more effective mobile emails

Email and mobile together are already functioning as a team, whether we as marketers want them to or not. The customers and consumers have voted with their usage. They’re not sitting around waiting for marketers to get their act together, but as I write this between 20-60% of your database will be reading your marketing emails on their mobile device.

If designed and planned well, email and mobile together, will, in the forthcoming years, form a formidable marketing force. So marketers, a question: Will you be leading the way and profiting from your competitors lack of preparedness? Or will your competitors be profiting from yours?