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Wie Sie eine E-Mail Testumgebung schaffen, um Ihre Ergebnisse zu verbessern

E-Mail-Marketing Optimierung ist wichtig, wird aber noch von zu wenigen Unternehmen gemacht. Hier ein paar Tipps, wie SIe das ändern können.

I recently attended the MarketingSherpa Email Marketing LEAPS Advanced Practices Workshop in Boston and, though these events are always good for new information, I found myself surprised – and even outright alarmed – by one particular statistic cited at the beginning of the event: 61% of companies do not routinely test their email campaigns.

Perhaps my shocked reaction comes from my employment at MECLABS, where everything we do comes from a background of testing and optimization. (Oh, I’m serious. I was recently forced to stop eating tuna sandwiches for lunch, because a quick A/B split test showed that I was more productive in the afternoon when eating ham on rye.)

But am I to believe that nearly two-thirds of email marketers choose to throw their efforts to the proverbial wall, just to see what sticks? It doesn’t matter where you work – this is poor practice.