Wie Sie den Umsatz pro E-Mail kalkulieren
Revenue per email (RPE) is one of the most valuable metrics (aside from ROI) that you can track, but few organizations, large or small, actually do. In this column, I'll talk about the value of RPE, its strengths and weaknesses as a measure of success, how to calculate it, and how to use it effectively.
I'm a big fan of return on investment (ROI); it lets you know precisely how much profit you're making from your email efforts. But ROI is often onerous to calculate, not because the formula is difficult, but because companies have a hard time getting their arms around true "costs."
This is where RPE can be a good alternative. You don't need to know costs. Unlike ROI, RPE doesn't go directly to your bottom line - it doesn't reflect profit (or loss). That's a downside. But it does give you a feel for how much revenue you are generating from your email list, which is a great improvement over just having open and click-through rates.