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Wie ist die optimale Größe für Ihrer Test-Verteiler

Lesen Sie hier, wie groß Ihre Empfängeranzahl sein sollte für den optimalen E-Mail-Test.

Almost any marketer who has ever pushed the “send” button on an email understands how powerful testing can be in improving results. Sometimes we don’t test when time is short and resources scarce, but we all know we should be testing. That’s why I often get frustrated when someone takes the time to construct a test but makes a fundamental mistake that can lead to errors.

One area of testing where I often see mistakes is in the selection of the number of recipients that will be in a test group. Sometimes the error is pulling too many records, and sometimes it’s pulling too few. Too many wastes the opportunity to reach out to the majority of the list with the better design. Too few, and our results many not mean as much as we think they do.