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Verbinden Sie Social und E-Mail-Marketing

Lesen Sie hier die besten Tipps, wie Sie Social und E-Mail-Marketing am optimalsten verbinden können.

Recently my firm conducted an executive survey looking at what marketers are doing to connect social and email marketing. The results indicated that marketers' social and email tactics are rather rudimentary. For example, 52 percent stated they were using social sharing buttons in their email, but just 38 percent stated they are using social listening platforms to discern brand sentiment analysis. To further explore the latest tactics to connect social and email marketing, I sat down with Rusty Warner, vice president of products for Alterian.

David Daniels: How can marketers leverage social listening tools to improve their email marketing programs?

Rusty Warner: Email is more effective at driving business results when it's paired with social media. Marketers can leverage social listening tools as valuable inputs with regard to campaign strategy and content. Are there specific markets we should target? What are the messages and images which resonate best with those audiences? Are our competitors strong - or weak - in a market we wish to target? How does that change our messaging? These are only a few of the questions to which social listening tools can provide answers to better inform email marketing programs.