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Social Media Marketing: Online Produktempfehlungen generieren 10% Extraumsatz

Online Produktempfehlungen generieren Umsatz - Adam T. Sutton beschreibt dies hier an einem konkreten Restaurant-Beispiel.

When I was a kid, I thought suggestion boxes in restaurants were strange. I wondered: what do people suggest? And why does the box have a lock? The whole thing seemed mysterious.

Later in life, when I worked in restaurants, I realized there was no mystery. The boxes were empty. The rare suggestions they held invariably used four-letter words and misspellings.

Today’s suggestion boxes are different in almost every way:

- First of all, they’re digital. Customers are more likely to sound off about your company in a social network or review website than in a hand-scrawled note.

- Second, people actually use these new boxes.

-Third, you don’t own the suggestion box. Somebody else does.
Last, and probably most important, is that the lock is gone. Suggestions are posted for the world to see.