Neue Kennzahlen zur Performance Messung
Metrics matter. All employees associated with an enterprise rely on metrics to keep score. Regardless of position or area of responsibility, the tracking of performance metrics helps us keep track of how we perform our jobs. Email marketing is no exception, and the metrics and key performance indicators we track have helped to define our channel for years. Delivered, opens, clicks, conversions. With these metrics, marketers have a simple funnel that allows them to calculate the contribution of almost any email program as long as they have a clear understanding of the segment they are targeting and the average value of a conversion.
Next Generation Marketing Metrics
That said, as consumer experience transforms on the social web, we should consider developing the next generation of email marketing metrics. There is no doubt that email marketing is profitable and offers an outstanding return on investment. Even with a 50 percent reduction in overall contribution, email would remain profitable for sophisticated marketers. We need to move beyond the traditional and test new ways in which we can be accountable to our enterprises. Here are some ideas already in place and others yet to be broadly tested.