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Neue Erkenntnisse zum Thema E-Mail-Zustellbarkeit

In diesem Interview mit David Daniels lesen SIe, was Zustellbarkeit vor zehn Jahren hiess und was heute die Haupteinflüsse sind.

While email is the most cost-effective marketing tool, it is this lack of financial friction that also makes the channel susceptible to spam. The need for ISPs to guard against email from bad actors has created deliverability issues for all email marketers. Often delivery issues are the fault of the email marketers, namely those that fail to practice list hygiene.

Email delivery continues to be a top challenge for email marketers. A survey last year by my firm found that 30 percent of email marketers cited email deliverability as one of their top three challenges. Given this persistent challenge, I sat down with Dave Lewis, CMO of Message Systems, to get his perspective on email deliverability. Dave was the first "deliverability czar" for an ESP (email service provider) more than 10 years ago.