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Motivieren SIe Ihre E-Mail-Abonnenten, ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen

Denise Keller verrät Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Abonnenten dazu motivieren, ihre Erfahrungen zu teilen.

As you read this blog post, a countless number of conversations are taking place on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and a host of other social networks. While social media has proven its ability to get the conversation started, email is still one of the best engagement mediums around. Have your doubts? Check out some of the ways this phenomenal tool can be used to engage and encourage customers to share their experiences.

Open up the Floor

Email marketing is at its most effective when used as a platform for two-way dialogue. What I mean by this is that instead of doing all the talking with your newsletters, sales offers or weekly updates, you open up the forum so customers can reach out and have their say as well. Your subscribers might have many interesting stories to tell, but may never share them unless you invite them to do so. Using email to reach out and encourage customers to converse with you is a simple but effective way to get them to share their experiences, thoughts and ideas.