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Kundengewinnung als gemeinsames Ziel aller Marketingdisziplinen

David Daniels erklärt, warum alle Marketingmassnahmen zur Kundengewinnung Hand in Hand gehen sollten.

As email marketers, we are often siloed into the email channel, rarely interacting in a coordinated fashion with our colleagues in other channels. What's worse is that most organizations don't align channel-centric marketers to common corporate goals. For example, because email is the most cost-efficient marketing tool, you might think that all organizations are using common incentives and goals to increase the number of email subscribers, and/or the number of engaged email subscribers. But they're not.

New data from my company confirms that half of marketing organizations are working in a disjointed fashion that lacks common goals. The bigger issue, however, is on the individual level, as just 14 percent stated that the marketing department is rewarded with the same common personal incentives. It's important to have the same personal incentives across the marketing department to ensure that all individuals are rowing in the same direction. Creating a coordinated and connected corporate culture is imperative to realizing connected marketing and driving specific tasks such as email address acquisition forward. Let's look at some examples.