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Die neue digitale Eingangsbox: Ist Ihr E-Mail-Programm bereit dafür?

Lesen Sie hier, wie sich die Wahrnehmung von E-Mail Botschaften verändert hat durch Social Networks, Tablet PCs und Smartphones.

The ways in which we access and read email - via smart phones, tablets, and social networks, for example - are evolving rapidly. Most email applications are not very forward thinking, using outdated templates and former best practices. Today, email may not be a standalone digital conduit for brands to pipe through deals, offers, and newsletters. The game-changing opportunity is at our front door. (I encourage you to watch the presentation, "The New Inbox: Email + Social + Mobile," by my colleague Ryan Tuttle. It doesn't sugarcoat the changes in how people are consuming messaging from their favorite brands.)

Trends in Mobile

While things like daily deals and social networks are creating a new type of inbox, mobile devices and technologies are also shaping the ways in which people digest content. Smartphone and tablet users are being conditioned to access a unified inbox for all digital messaging communication. The home screens of most smartphones are becoming the starting point for decision-making when a new message arrives. Facebook updates, tweets, email, and more are all arriving on the home screen, with little discernable difference.