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Business E-Mail-Marketing: Machen Sie ein Opt-out leicht!

Denise Keller gibt Tipps, wie Sie sich von "schlechten" Abonnenten treffen sollten.

Some subscribers are such a pleasure to work with, you’d do whatever it takes to keep them around for as long as possible., not so much. Knowing how to deal with troublemakers is a skill not all marketers possess. For those who don’t, simply getting rid of them may be the best option. Got unruly subscribers on your list? Your friendly neighborhood email marketing company can tell you how to handle them without tallying up abuse complaints:

Give 'Em the Bad News

It may seem like a risky move, but coming out and telling your subscribers that the relationship has turned down a rocky road is the best course of action to take. If it has come to an end, let them know that you can no longer provide them with the service they rightfully deserve, remembering to be polite in your tone. You want to let them down easy. Put emphasis on your unsubscribe link and they just may get the hint and proceed with opting out. If not, take the initiative to remove them from your list. While users are gaining more of the upper hand, never underestimate the level of control you have in the relationship.