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Beginnen SIe die Reise zur Marketing-Optimierung

David Daniels erklärt, wie Sie Ihre Marketing-Aktivitäten optimieren können - Stichwort Relevanz.

In the column, "The Relevance Imperative," I examined the need for marketers to embrace relevance and targeting to improve their top and bottom line, not to mention the customer experience. However, my firm' s recent surveys continue to indicate that while marketers aspire to become more relevant, this notion in practice continues to elude the majority of marketers. An executive marketing survey conducted by my firm reveals:

When asked about segmentation techniques, 61 percent of marketers said they used demographic -based segmentation. This was the top response, indicating that many marketers don' t use any audience segmentation at all.

Marketers stated that their top priority for the next 12 months is to improve relevance through segmentation and targeting.
35 percent of marketers cite that lack of budget is their biggest challenge to improving their marketing programs. Optimizing marketing requires having adequate staffing resources, which 29 percent of marketers said they lacked