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Sechs Best-Praxis-Beispiele für die Email-Abmelde-Seite

Die Abmeldung eines Newsletters sollte so einfach wie möglich gestaltet werden, bevor der Empfänger auf den Spam-Button klickt!
25.10.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Econsultancy

Writing about e-commerce, I end up signing up for lots of accounts and newsletters on websites, most of which I'm not necessarily interested in.

Still, this gives me an opportunity to look at how these companies are formatting emails, how frequently they send them and, crucially, how easy it is to unsubscribe.

If people want to unsubscribe from emails, it should be made as easy as possible, as the alternative for many recipients is the report spam option, something which can have an adverse effect on sender reputations with ISPs and therefore deliverability.

Here's a good example from Fab, and some tips on best practice in this area...