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5 Tipps für die Überwachung von Email Kampagnen Ihrer Mitbewerber

Um sich in einem überfüllten Posteingang zu behaupten, sollten Sie Ihre Mitbewerber im Auge behalten!
18.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Return Path

As marketers work to ensure their emails arrive in and stand out in a crowded inbox, keeping an eye on their competition (and top-tier marketers) is a tactic that is becoming increasingly important. While monitoring other marketers’ email programs can provide inspiration and insights, it is often difficult and time consuming. Here are five tips for monitoring the competition to help make your email program best in class.

Preference Center
Monitoring the subscription process and preference center of your competition can help provide clues to many elements discussed below. What data are they collecting during the subscription process? What choices are provided to their subscriber base when it comes to interests, mail streams, and frequency? Are they collecting data fields that you are not collecting, but should? Are there email streams you were not aware of? How are they integrating social media and mobile into their preference center?