Wie Sieht die optimale Entschuldigungsmail für einen Print-Fehler aus?
Printing is an extremely complex process and problems can creep in at virtually any step of the way. Most clients cannot successfully explain what's bouncing around in their heads and may give you the wrong indication, which they'll either discover at proof stage or (worst possible scenario) once the job is printed. However printers cannot solely lay the blame for screw ups at the feet of the client. You may be operating a bit short of staff or be training a newbie when an otherwise unforgivable error sneaks into the job. When you've printed on C2S 14 pt 293 GSM when the work order stated C1S 6 pt 148 GSM, or messed up the registration to the point that the color piece looks like a 3D screen viewed sans glasses, it's time to apologize profusely.
Left out a 9 from $999? Start Writing!
The process of apology becomes a part of your email marketing campaign when you've made an error that affects all of your subscribers. If your last newsletter offered a special subscribers-only VIP deal for 10,000 11" x 17" single fold 4c/4c brochures on 12 pt 247 GSM for $99 and you realized after you sent it that you missed out on the last digit of what should have been $999… you don't have to go bankrupt printing at 15% of cost, you can start drafting your humble apology email.