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Warum Sie eine einfach Textversion Ihrer E-Mail benötigen

James Dempster erklärt, warum Sie sehr wohl eine Textversion für Ihre E-Mail-Kampagne brauchen.

So you’ve got a pretty awesome looking email marketing campaign with buttons, call to actions and an unmissable offer, but if you haven’t created a plain text version then all your hard work could be in vain.

Do I need a plain text email?

The short answer is yes. It’s not as pretty as an HTML email, nor can you add links, but it will ensure that your recipients have the maximum chance of receiving the email.

Spam filters often look at the plain text version first, if you don’t have one there is a very big chance of it getting marked as spam (especially with older filters).

As I’ve mentioned before, the mantra for email marketing should always be “Relevant content to the right people at the right time,” spammers are the opposite of this and don’t write plain text versions of their emails. So... don’t be a spammer, be a plain texter. Maybe there is a catchier nickname out there, but you get my drift.