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Optimieren Sie Ihre Newsletter-Prozesse

Tina Stewart gibt Tipps zur Optimierung Ihres Newsletter-Versands.
07.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Lyris

I’m sure many of you are busy creating content for your customers every day. That’s what we marketers do. We produce targeted content that is valuable, educational and segmented by target audience – providing information that is important to them and communicates our message. One type of regular content many of us distribute to customers is the newsletter. The format lends itself well to targeting (with space for different types of content that can be tailored to the audience), it’s good for segmenting (easy to track who is opening/opting-in and gather data on how your audience is responding), and it keeps current customers updated on what is happening with your company, your products and your brand. Most importantly, it is a useful tool to engage new customers and add to your list.