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DMA aktualisiert Code of Practice

Andy Thorpe erklärt die Änderungen nach der Aktualisierung des DMA Code of Practice.

This week members of the DMA UK released the latest DMA code of practice, relating to email marketing, it has been updated to include the new requirements defined by the new Data and Cookie laws introduced in the UK recently. These laws were introduced to be in line with the increased EU privacy laws.

What’s changed?

In a nutshell brands have to be far more upfront with their collection of data; how they collect it, what they will do with it, and, specifically reference the use of cookies and other tracking technology on their site. Also users must now consent to the use of cookies (or other similar tracking technology) unless the use of the cookie(s) is strictly necessary for the operation of the service being expected by the user; for example:

On a site that you can log into - ecommerce for instance – the site will need to set up a cookie to keep you logged in as you navigate around: this is a necessary cookie for the service.