Auf was Sie bei einem neuen E-Mail Werbemittel achten sollten
When small businesses decide to utilize email marketing, one of the most important choices they have to make is which template to use for their campaigns. Email has come a long way from being just a static medium and as a result a number of options are available to those looking for a template to fit their business. An email template should not only offer the latest in multi-media capabilities but it should also be flexible and, among other things, match the style of your business.
Here are 5 things to look for in a new email template:
1. Flexibility
Make sure to find a template with a number of format options for you to choose from. When looking for a new template, it’s important to remember that with the changes in format, there may also be other unforeseen changes with categorization or content. Find a template that best suits your current needs and also engages new modules or sections without any issues.