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Warum Marken mehr an Responsive Design denken müssen

Kunden haben heute sehr hohe Erwartungen, egal ob online oder offline. Marketer müssen daher endlich ihre Mobile-Strategie in Ordnung bringen.
24.09.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei digital marketing magazine

Recent research by the IAB provided great insight into the thinking behind some of our major brands’ mobile strategies. While 37 out of the top 50 online retailers in the UK are optimising for mobile, only four are optimising according to device and only one is using responsive design.

This lack of incorporation of responsive design into mobile strategies demonstrates how far marketers must go in order to ensure a seamless consumer experience. Today’s customers have high expectations and demand the same experience whether engaging with a brand instore or online. To deliver the best experience for consumers, marketers really need to start getting their mobile strategies in place sooner rather than later.