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Drei Trigger-Mails, die jeder Händler versenden sollte

Händler sollten viele verschiedene Arten von Trigger-Mails in petto haben. Diese drei sind jedoch absolute Selbstläufer.
16.09.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei Bronto

I’m always trying to find ways to make things easier for my clients, and one of the easiest ways to drive revenue is with triggered messages. If you’re not sure what a triggered message is or you want to know which ones are some of the most effective, then this post is for you! A triggered message is simply a message that can be automated based on something you know about your subscriber or some action your subscriber has taken. For example, the contact may have just signed up, so you trigger a welcome message. Or the contact may have provided you with some personal information on themselves such as a birthday or anniversary, so you can trigger a message around those important dates. There are many different types of triggered messages that every retailer should have in place, but here are three no-brainers: