Ein Plan B für direkte Änderungen in Ihren E-Mail-Kampagnen
So, you've just hit the send button on a campaign to thousands of subscribers. Following the initial rush, hair-on-end paranoia kicks in. Are all the links correct? Is the subject line typo-free? Then, you see it - a phone number in the copy is wrong. The taste in your mouth quickly turns metallic.
Pretty much any experienced email sender has gotten something blatantly wrong in their HTML email content, at one time or another. So it isn't entirely surprising that some of the clever folks amongst us have thought up a "Plan B", should it be necessary to rush through a change on a live campaign. Such a backup plan was suggested by cool customer Ben Carver, who adds a transparent image which can be "swapped out" at a moment's notice. As a result, he can throw a banner image, or similar message into email newsletters, should something go wrong.