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Die unbemerkten Chancen von Content Marketing im E-Mail-Marketing

Ist Content Marketing die Antwort auf die Frage, wie man Kunden zwischen zwei Käufen bei der Stange hält?
10.09.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei iMedia Connection

Is content marketing the answer? Is that how you keep people engaged when the time between purchases could be 12 months or more? The more I've looked at what I think works, the more I've realized it certainly is one of the answers. Successful email marketing goes beyond selling products at a great price, and today's leaders have learned to create messages that don't always hard sell. Instead, they create the content that keeps customers engaged between transactions.

So what exactly is content marketing? And how does it relate to email? Like so many things in digital marketing, you could ask five people to define content marketing, and you'd get five different answers. My definition of content marketing in email revolves around what I call the three Cs: catalogs, context, and conversations. Let's look briefly at what each represents.