Die Öffnungsrate der Mobile-Emails von Einzelhändlern in USA hat sich verdoppelt!
The number of emails from retailers that were opened via a mobile device nearly doubled between the fourth-quarter of 2010 and the second half of 2011 for a total of 28.1 percent, according to a new report from Knotice.
The iPhone dominates with an email open rate for retail of 17.9 percent. However, the rates for both the iPad and Android devices are growing quickly, with the iPad posting a 7.13 percent open rate in the second half and Android 3.61 percent.
“The big news for retailers is that about 28 percent of their audience is consuming email campaign content on a mobile device,” said Patti Renner, director of marketing at Knotice, Akron, OH. “That’s a 40 percent increase in just six months and the numbers continue to rise.