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Wie reaktiviert man inaktive Email-Empfänger?

Wie viele inaktive Email-Adressen haben Sie? Und was unternehmen Sie dagegen? Nur wenige setzen sich damit wirklich auseinander!

Recently, I have seen a number of articles and discussions around the topic of messaging inactive addresses. There have been some folks within the industry who have talked about the potential positives from simply continuing to email your customers — even if they haven’t opened or engaged with you in any meaningful way for a considerable period of time.

Of course, before you start talking about inactives, you need to first define when to apply this label to your customers based on your unique business model and lifecycle campaign management practices. Just because you read an article identifying inactive customers as anyone who hasn’t opened or clicked on an email in the last six months, doesn’t make it a hard and fast rule for your business. What if, for example, the purchase cycle for your product is every nine to twelve months? If that were the case, then you wouldn’t expect everyone to open every message and be engaged with your brand every six months.