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Email Betreff - Nur derjenige kann eine Email lesen, der sie auch geöffnet hat!

Email Betreff spielt zweifellos die Hauptrolle, wenn es um den Erfolg einer Email Kampagne geht. Schauen Sie ihn sich genauer an…

Why it pays to review your subject line length and purpose

What we think influences what we say, and what we say influences what we think.

Now what has that got to do with subject lines?

Well, it starts with our certainty that we pretty much know what works and what doesn’t. You see similar advice in many places: don’t use all capitals, keep it short…that sort of thing.

It’s dangerous to rely on intuition and experience all the time.

Repeating subject line mantras doesn’t always make them right. The fact is, our intuition and experience are not always accurate guides to what works best.