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Wie Sie Ihren E-Mail Newsletter am besten verkaufen

Daniel Cassady erklärt, wie Sie mehr Anmelder für Ihren Newsletter generieren.

Your email newsletter is the best way to get in touch with your current subscribers. But how do you convince newcomers to subscribe? Simple. You’ve got to show them that the content that they receive will be worth it.

Here are a few tips for infusing some new blood in your subscriber list.
Give It to ‘Em Straight
There are few things as irritating as signing up for an email newsletter you think you’ll receive once every two weeks - only to find your inbox flooded with new marketing emails daily; emails that you didn’t ask for.

Of course, as a business owner, you want the people who sign up for your newsletter to learn about new and discounted products as soon as they become available. But over-sending your email newsletter is not the way to encourage people to buy your products. Instead, make a schedule, let your subscribers know how often they should expect your email and stick to it.