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Wie Sie Ihre Daten so nutzen, dass Ihre Empfänger E-Mail-Marketing nicht abgeneigt sind

Content ist KIng. Und Ihre Daten sind Ihr vertrauensvoller Berater. Lesen Sie hier, wie SIe Ihre Daten ideal einsetzen.
29.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Silverpop

In part one of this series, we took a look at some humorous characteristics of poor email marketing practices that can lead to nauseating experiences for recipients. Today, we’re offering a prescription for those email ills by highlighting tips on how you can use data to humanise email marketing content and improve the experiences you create.

You’ve heard it a hundred different ways: Content is king. Well, if content is king, than data is his trusted advisor. And in our world, this data comes in three forms that you must use effectively to humanise your email marketing content:

1) Inferred data — What we learn by listening
Commentary on social networks, feedback from customers and replies to your email marketing campaigns all help paint a picture of the interactions your customers are looking for. Top brands monitor these dialogues to make changes in tone of voice and email copy to create more engaging, human, real connections.