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Optimieren Sie Ihre E-Mail-Marketing für das iPhone

Lesen Sie hier, was Sie beachten sollten für eine optimale Darstellung Ihrer E-Mails auf dem iPhone.

As one of the hottest smartphones on the market today, Apple’s iPhone is a device that needs to be taken into account when devising your mobile email strategy. While designing for this platform isn’t so much a big deal when formatting your marketing message in plaintext, it presents some rather unique challenges when HTML is involved. If you want to make sure your email looks good and performs well on an iPhone, there are specific steps you must take.

Keep It to the Left

Determining what is the best way to format email for mobile can be a tricky endeavor indeed. While there really is no right or wrong way to go about it, more email marketers are discovering that important content is best kept at the top-left when designing for iPhone users. This is a good idea for two reasons. First, it grabs the subscriber’s attention and lets them know your message is worth a closer look. Secondly, it entices those taking a glance at your message via the preview pane. Since the left side of your email is almost certain to be seen on an iPhone, catchy content can compel the subscriber to either scroll down and view more of the message or open it and read it in a full window.