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Email Marketing mit Social Media kombinieren – Es geht nur mit testen und ausprobieren

Welche Netzwerke und Vorgehensweisen sind am besten geeignet und welche Ziele sollten mit der Kombination erreicht werden?
09.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei MediaPost

For a while, the concept of email + social integration was limited to discussions about how to use email to bolster your social media programs, and vice versa. The early recommendations weren’t for integration as much as they were for coordination, to make sure your email self knows what your social self is up to. Fast-forward a year, and now there are bona fide integration tools hitting the market: technology that allows marketers to track the response to social messages (likes, comments, retweets, clicks, even conversion) right alongside email, and measure the contribution that each channel makes towards marketing objectives.

It’s easy to get drawn into the technology and spend hours poring over tracking reports that show what percentage of the clicks to that webinar promotion came from Twitter as opposed to email, or if your mobile audience is reaching you more from the inbox or Facebook. That’s the first step in adopting any new marketing technology: learning what you can learn. It’s energizing and fun, and flings previously hidden doors wide open.

But we’re email marketers, so the real appeal is not merely finding new data points to share in the weekly marketing meeting. We suddenly have a litany of new tests to devise and run. Email + social integration technology can meaningfully improve our marketing. All we have to do is approach it with the same curiosity and analysis that have allowed us to achieve such a remarkable ROI from email over the years. So let’s do that.