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E-Mail-Trends aus UK und USA

Jeanne Jennings vergleicht Leistungswerte von E-Mail-Kampagnen in USA und UK - Lesen Sie hier die spannenden Ergebnisse.
15.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Clickz

Earlier this month I had the honor of speaking at the Email Marketing Evolved conference hosted by Apsis in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a great event - a mix of U.S. and European speakers; and talking to attendees got me thinking about the similarities and differences in email marketing, specifically performance, in the U.S. and Europe.

Many of the European email marketers I've spoken with over the years feel that the U.S. is ahead of the curve compared to other countries in terms of email marketing. This is good and bad; it means that they are looking to learn from the U.S., but it also means that as email benchmark metrics have declined, the U.S. is leading the way.

The United Kingdom's DMA Email Marketing Council recently released its Email Marketing Benchmark Report for 2010 sponsored by Alchemy Workx. I thought it would be interesting to compare them to U.S. figures, so I've pulled data from the Email Trend and Benchmark Reports published by Epsilon and the Email Experience Council, part of the United States DMA.