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Der perfekte Email Betreff – 11 Tipps von Loren McDonald, wie Sie ihn optimieren können.

Den perfekten ersten Eindruck zu erwecken ist ein Schlüsselelement im Email Marketing. Probieren Sie also diese Tipps aus!

We at Silverpop often hear email subject line questions such as, “What’s the sample size needed for subject line testing?” in conversations with clients and other marketers. My colleague Stephen Guerra wrote an excellent explanation (“Email Testing: Determining the Right Sample Size“) in a previous blog post, and he and I came up with these additional thoughts on subject line testing after receiving yet another inquiry on the topic:

1. Testing is almost always a good idea. Just remember, though, that with a small sample size, there will be less confidence in the results (Is the winner really the winner? Is it repeatable?).

2. Don’t completely discount small sample sizes, though. Smaller samples can be meaningful if you see results that vary by a wide-enough margin.

3. With a small sample size, test only two subject lines. This will keep the sample size as large as possible, as opposed to testing three or four options.

4. Test concepts and direction. Pick completely different types of subject lines you want to test, such as discount versus benefits, humor versus serious, etc. In the initial tests you’ll want to test larger concepts that you can build on and refine with continuous testing.