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Der erste Eindruck zählt wirklich!

Lesen SIe hier, warum der erste Eindruck beim E-Mail-Abonnenten so wichtig ist und über Ihre zukünftige Kommunikation mit ihm entscheidet.

Email subscribers who have come through an advanced sign-up or welcome program can have email open rates more than 40 percent and up to a 10 percent increase in response rates. Correctly managing your email opt-in process is very important to a successful welcome program. When done correctly, it will increase response rates, enhance your brand reputation, and even increase the possibility of customers becoming evangelists for your brand.

For a successful email welcome program, follow these five steps:
Make sign-up easy and obvious. Don't make people search your site for a place to enter their email address. Make it clear and concise and above the fold (for the average screen size and resolution). Be descriptive in the language used at this stage. Incentivize: think about including an offer; however, I would recommend testing the effectiveness of this.

Capture simple data at the first stage. Ask quick and relevant data capture questions at first. Avoid long-winded, irrelevant (boring) questions. Always ask yourself why you are asking for this data and how you are going to use it? Personalization? Analysis? Or "just because it might be interesting"?