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Bauen Sie Ihre E-Mail Liste auf: Qualität statt Quantität

Lesen SIe hier, wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Liste aufbauen sollten, um den besten Revenue zu erzielen.

Having engaged, loyal customers who advocate for your brand is nirvana for any marketer. Yet, too many email marketers play the numbers game when it comes to building their email list, buying names and getting caught in the spamming spiral, expecting something to stick. Doing this puts your relationships at risk and isn’t a good practice that will scale your list growth. If you want customers — that engage, convert, and re-convert — you must build a list of quality from the start. Here are some best practices
to start with.

“Customer, May I?”

Seeking permission from your audience is your first priority. Your best customers are those who want to receive your emails. A simple way to do this is to ask your customers to opt-in via your Website or through your social media pages. Make sure your emails are fully branded so that your customers recognize your messages and don’t suspect spam. Driving email campaigns to a landing page is a great method to ensure consistency. And, if you’re selling services or a product, your transactional follow-up email can include an invite to sign up for future communications, assuming they don’t sign up during the check out process. Once your customer has used your services or product, you have another opportunity to ask for email sign up by asking them to review the product on your site or provide other feedback on their customer experience.