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B2B Marketing: Diskussion über das Nutzenversprechen mit Dr. Flint McGlaughlin

Lesen Sie hier ein Internview mit Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director und CMO, MECLABS, zum Thema Nutzenversprechen im B2B Marketing.
25.11.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketingexperiments Blog

Here’s one of the things I love about working with Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director and CMO, MECLABS – he routinely looks at the most vexing marketing challenges and creates an entirely new paradigm; a new lens through which to approach these challenges.

Take the marketing funnel for example. Flint says that the traditional view of the sales and marketing funnel is, essentially, upside down. Literally.

In fact, you should take the traditional funnel and flip it. Prospects aren’t just falling into this wide net, waiting for someone to sell to them. Rather, you must keep pushing them up through the funnel, against the constant tug of gravity, which slows down and often stops your sales process. The force that pushes them up through that funnel and overcomes all the forces that can easily stop that sales is a powerful value proposition.