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A-B Test – Und wissen Sie auch wie Sie ihn durchführen sollten?

Lesen Sie hier die Top 10 Regeln, welche Sie dabei beachten sollten. Verfasst von Virginie Bernard von Experian CheetahMail…
06.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei Email responsibly

Tests are always excellent tools to support any marketing decision, as they are often backed by data and figures. Developing a successful test strategy can help decision making and often bring to light clear and reliable answers where uncertainty previously existed. Utilizing insights from testing, an organization can implement tactics that will lead to higher performance with greater efficiency.

As marketing is often a science, all tests conducted with email marketing campaigns should follow scientific rules. Even if you are a novice to testing, these rules will help make your A/B test a success.

1. Become a “test advocate” in your organization: It is critical to have a test advocate who supports and defends test practices across the organization, as tests require discipline, resources and communication. Implementing a testing process often spans across several teams or groups, so it is also important that the test advocate communicate effectively cross-functionally.

2. Change is good! Time is always a key factor with any business initiative, and the same is true with testing. Tests require time to be conducted properly, but last minute changes will occur. Testing should help and not hinder your organization’s ability to execute effective marketing programs. Plan ahead and allow yourself a little more time to have the flexibility to postpone or extend a test.