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Studie - 75% der Smartphone-Nutzer löschen nicht lesbare Emails!

In einer Studie hat Constant Contant herausgefunden, dass ¾ von Empfänger die Emails direkt löschen, welche auf Ihren Smartphones nicht lesbar sind!

Mobile email has become a “make or break” communication channel for marketers, according to the latest survey from Constant Contact (NASDAQ: CTCT) and research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey. The survey of 1,497 consumers found that 80 percent of smartphone owners say it is “extremely important” to be able to read emails on their mobile devices. The study also exposed what could be unfortunate results for marketers who have not yet taken mobile email display into consideration: 75 percent said they are “highly likely” to delete an email if they can’t read it on their smartphone...